Fiber is very nutritious and has amazing properties. Fiber is mostly found in plant foods and fruits.
One ounce (2 tablespoons) of almonds contains 3 grams of fiber. You can sprinkle some chopped almonds on cooked vegetables or your meals to add fiber to your food in addition to being crunchy and tasty. About 1 cup of almonds are needed to meet your recommended daily fiber intake. Almond butter also contains fiber, but almond milk does not.
Dates are rich in nutrients and a good source of fiber. In fact, if we consider dates as a fruit, it is better to know that fruits and vegetables have rich nutrients and are rich in water and fiber. Because of this, they provide high energy satiety and nourish your body with nutrients.
Some people’s concern about dates is more related to date sugar and date calories. However, dates also provide fiber, which can affect how sugar is absorbed from the digestive system. A diet high in fiber can help you lose weight. In fact, a 2008 study of more than 89,000 people found that total fiber intake was inversely related to weight gain and waist circumference change. Borong Kurma Shah Alam is considered a healthy food that provides various nutrients and a source of fiber.
A peanut butter and jam sandwich is not only a comfort food favorite, but it’s also packed with fiber, especially when eaten with whole-wheat bread. You need about 1 cup of roasted, unsalted peanuts to get 28 grams of fiber per day.
Walnuts are widely used because of their healthy omega-3 fats. If you eat about 2 cups of walnuts a day, you can get the amount of fiber you need. You can sprinkle walnuts on breakfast cereals and salads, or mix some into a smoothie.
Chia seeds
Chia seeds are a super food worth adding to your diet. These seeds are rich in soluble fiber and are a good thickener for smoothies or you can pour it on yogurt and use it. Each tablespoon of chia seeds contains 4 grams of fiber.
Fiber is very nutritious and has amazing properties. Fiber is mostly found in plant foods and fruits.
Benefits of fiber for body health
Fiber is effective for the body from the digestive system to regulating blood pressure, and daily consumption of 20 to 35 grams of dietary fiber is recommended by many international regulatory groups.
Benefits of fiber for the body include:
– Helps people with diabetes
– Controls heart disease
– Prevents colon cancer
– Prevention of constipation
– Treatment of diarrhea with fibrous food
– Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
– Strengthens the immune system
– Cholesterol control
– Prevention of diverticulosis
– Treatment of hemorrhoids
– Properties of fiber for the body and helping to lose weight
– Reduces the risk of gallstones and kidney stones
– Increases bone health
– skin care