Category: harga borong kurma

How to Choose a Date Palm Tree

Phoenix dactylyrhizae, also known as dates palm or date palm, belongs to the family of palms or palm tree, called “Arecaceae”. It is a small flowering plant belonging to the date family, Dactyloideae, cultivated mainly for its succulent, sweet fruit. The fruit, which is very hard and thick, is used as a sweet delicacy in […]

Date Pudding

Malaysia, the country of love and passion is known for its diverse range of food and drink. Some of the popular foods include its signature dish of Singapore Siu, which is also popularly referred to as “Sweet Little Rice Cake”. The dish can be made from different types of rice and can be eaten with […]

Where to Find Dates Fruits Suppliers in Malaysia

For you to know more about the suppliers of dates in Malaysia, I have compiled some information that is very useful. Dates are known by their scientific name, Melaleuca alternifolia and dates are a part of the citrus family; thus they belong to the citrus family. The fruit that is the main ingredient in dates […]

How to Get Fresh Date Suppliers

When you send dates fruit exporters get the freshest fruit. This is because the company that you’re working with knows how to take care of the fruit when it’s being shipped to their clients. Because these fruit are such an integral part of your customer base, it’s important to make sure that you have the […]

Finding Dates Fruit Suppliers

Dating is a fun game played with people in groups. In this game, the objective is to give a person all the dates you can find. You can find the dates anywhere you go, from the grocery store to the local mall. However, it is probably easier to find dates if they are grown in […]

Why Use The Date Fruit Tree?

The fruit on the Dates Fruit Tree is not only tasty, but it is also nutritious. There are many different fruits that can be eaten in salads and the Dates Fruit Tree has two types of this delicious fruit. This sweet yellow fruit can be eaten raw or can be cooked. It is a sweet […]

Dates Are a Gift That Everyone Should Try

One of the most sought after plants by growers for exotic flowers is the date palm. In this article we will take a look at some of the many uses of date palms in the cultivation of dates. Dactylis glomerata, otherwise called date palm or date tree, is evergreen flowering plant species native to Asia, […]

Finding Dates Fruit Wholesale

When one thinks of dates fruit wholesale, it conjures up the idea of the olden days when the date was considered a “diet fruit.” Nowadays, though the term is used to describe any type of fruit that has an abundance of nutrients. When shopping for dates fruit wholesale you will be surprised at just how […]

What is a Phoenix Dactylifera Palm?

Date palm, or rather, date tree, the palm is a climbing or trailing evergreen plant native to Africa and Asia. The name date palm derives from the Persian word meaning “dusk”. It is also called the Arabian date. Phoenix dactylifera, otherwise known as date palm or date tree, is actually the palm species in the […]

Dates From Malaysia

There is something that the Malaysian people love about dates fruit. They are not only exotic in taste, they also are very popular as gifts and souvenirs. If you are looking for a gift for a woman, then a date is definitely something that she will appreciate. In fact, there are many women who have […]