Is it safe to eat dates during pregnancy?
Yes, in fact, dates have been used as a superfood for 7000 years and have been cultivated and harvested since 5000 years ago. Due to its medical properties, the history of using dates is older than all the superfoods that are used these days as fruits with many characteristics and low harm.
An important part of a healthy diet plan is dedicated to dates, this fruit is rich in nutrients that are very important for the growth and health of the body. The importance and properties of this food will increase many times during pregnancy.
Some nutrients that are present in dates and make it an important food for pregnant mothers are:
Potassium: This electrolyte helps maintain the balance between water and salt in the body.
Vitamin K: It is one of the main vitamins that is not enough in the baby’s body at birth. By consuming dates, the mother can provide the necessary amount of vitamin K for the baby before the first breath of the baby.
Fatty acids: The healthy form of fatty acids surprisingly saves energy and distributes it properly throughout the day and is very effective in overcoming fatigue.
Calcium: During pregnancy, the calcium needed by the fetus is supplied from the mother’s body, since calcium is not produced in the body, calcium consumption is very important to maintain the health of teeth and bones.
These are just some of the benefits of dates for pregnant mothers and babies.
Is it safe to eat dates during pregnancy?
Yes, in fact, dates have been used as a superfood for 7000 years and have been cultivated and harvested since 5000 years ago. Due to its medical properties, the history of using dates is older than all the superfoods that are used these days as fruits with many characteristics and low harm.
An important part of a healthy diet plan is dedicated to dates, this fruit is rich in nutrients that are very important for the growth and health of the body. The importance and properties of this food will increase many times during pregnancy.
Some nutrients that are present in dates and make it an important food for pregnant mothers are:
Potassium: This electrolyte helps maintain the balance between water and salt in the body.
Vitamin K: It is one of the main vitamins that is not enough in the baby’s body at birth. By consuming dates, the mother can provide the necessary amount of vitamin K for the baby before the first breath of the baby.
Fatty acids: The healthy form of fatty acids surprisingly saves energy and distributes it properly throughout the day and is very effective in overcoming fatigue.
Calcium: During pregnancy, the calcium needed by the fetus is supplied from the mother’s body, since calcium is not produced in the body, calcium consumption is very important to maintain the health of teeth and bones.
These are just some of the benefits of dates for pregnant mothers and babies.
Other benefits of eating dates during pregnancy
Read on, here are 6 incredible things that consuming dates in the weeks leading up to your due date can do for your overall health:
Prevent anemia
Anemia occurs when the quality and quantity of red blood cells are not enough to carry out the body’s functions properly, iron deficiency is one of the causes of anemia. During pregnancy, the body’s need for iron increases and the need to use iron supplements increases, otherwise the mother will be at risk of anemia. Consuming dates can provide a large amount of daily iron.
Energy improvement
Dry dates are a great source of energy. The healthy form of natural sugar, along with the fiber found in fruits, can provide the body with energy for a longer period of time.
Although processed foods such as caffeine and candy provide energy for the body momentarily, you will face a sudden increase in blood sugar.
Help the fetus grow
Magnesium in dates is a mineral with incredible and very useful properties. Therefore, the consumption of dates will ensure the health and strength of the teeth and bones of the fetus and prevent premature contractions.